Posts tagged #ilfreemasons
DeMolay to Master Mason - All in the Family!

Illinois DeMolay is a Masonic youth group and part of the Illinois Freemasonry Family. Many of the Advisors to the DeMolay chapters are Freemasons. Some have the distinction of being both Senior DeMolay members (those who are older than 21 years old) and members of Masonic lodges throughout the state. These Brothers dedicate their time, energy and talents to help ensure that the experience of active DeMolay young men are rewarding. Also, we have active DeMolay young men continuing their fraternal journey to become Freemasons. In April, we celebrated with five active DeMolay members as they were raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason during their third degree ceremonies.  

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Masonic Membership Value Exchange - A Conversation Starter

Throughout the history of Freemasonry, the “wisdom of the ages” has been primarily passed along from mouth to ear. Whether from Intender (teacher) to Candidate (student) or Brother to Brother, the conversations held between these men forged our fraternal bonds and provided the foundation of our love and respect for one another. Regardless of our age, financial, ethnic, religious, etc. backgrounds, we promote a common purpose and mission as Freemasons - to represent and promote a quality life filled with honor, integrity, brotherly love, freedom, equality, tolerance, learning, and service to mankind.

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