The Power of Changing the Narrative

We live in a complex world, of struggles and turbulence even in the midst of beauty. Though we all have our own pains, the world is not fair — and there are those who are more vulnerable than others.

We have all heard this story. The story of a high schooler who may come from a difficult background. The student who does not have the necessary support at home, where no matter how great their potential, they may fall prey to never fully achieving all they can. In this fragile state, any number of factors may become a threat to their future: a mental illness, substance abuse, bullying. This should never be where the narrative ends — with a tragedy or a sad ending.

When hope may seem lost, the student finds a beacon of hope in their life when a mentor steps in, when someone reminds them that their life can be so much more. They begin to strive to be better, getting the best grades, succeeding in a sport, building great friendships. They graduate with honors, go on to college, and find their dream job. Their life becomes greater than they imagined it could.

There are countless faces that may fit this anecdote. It may be a girl from Chicago, a boy from Peoria, someone with the best family and debilitating depression. It may be an orphan, or the child of abusive parents. It may be someone you see all the time, the child of someone you know, or maybe someone who lives hours from you. Regardless, there is an opportunity to impact any and all of these potential at-risk young lives.

Illinois Freemasonry has the honor and privilege of having the Illinois Masonic Student Assistant Program (IMSAP) as one of its charities. It is responsible for saving and restoring the lives of numerous students in Illinois. Through detailed and specialized programs, IMSAP educates teachers and school administrators in identifying students who may be at risk and help them develop the skills necessary to support and help these students.

The work being done by IMSAP is essential— it's inspiring to see a masonic charity having such long-reaching influence on the lives of so many students. IMSAP showcases some of the best of Freemasonry, something that is priceless given how much of the general public does not know much of what it truly means to be a Mason. Too often the true values of Freemasonry get lost due to wrong information and misguided perceptions, but IMSAP is the perfect opportunity to engage in meaningful work that reflects what Masonry stands for.

I truly believe that IMSAP ought to be considered one of the greatest attributes of Illinois Freemasonry as its impact goes beyond the lives of masons or their families. Taking care of one another is indispensable, but Freemasonry's footprint in the world will always be as great as the actions of the men who make up this Fraternity for those outside it.

The Masons of Illinois have a unique opportunity to be a part of truly shifting how young students see their place in the world and their futures. In the midst of difficulties, masons should always seek to be the most relevant. With a changing culture and ongoing progress, Freemasonry ought to be at the center of life-changing work. After all, the beauty of Freemasonry is found in the willingness of honorable men in seeking to do better for those around them.

Ultimately, masons have the privilege of collaborating and working to save lives through IMSAP. The possibilities are endless when it comes to early intervention— the narrative is no longer limited to a sad ending if you are willing to take action. Local lodges can become involved by contacting IMSAP coordinator Jennifer Ryle (IMSAP@ilmason,org). Whether by connecting the schools you support for the Academic Bowl, buy donating funds (WWW.IMSAP.ORG) or by looking to assist IMSAP facilitating workshops in your area. It is so simple to be a part of this beautiful work.

This charity is responsible for demonstrating masonry in action— how it aims to inspire change in individuals to ultimately shape society for the better. It is a reminder to Masons of how there should be no hesitation in altruism— we should always care for people, especially those in need. Through IMSAP, you have the power to change narratives, to transform and expand the potential of young students. Through IMSAP you can SAVE LIVES!

R. W. Bro. Luciano M. Azevedo
Asstistant Grand Chancellor