The Power Of Brotherly Love

Fundamentally, “good men and true, knowing each other to be such, do always love the more, as they be the more good.” As Masons, we look pass what others typically target to divide men and focus on what is most important, the value of a man’s character. Upon this foundation, we gather together men whom would otherwise not cross paths on life’s journey. We are a blending of men from various backgrounds (i.e. social, financial, ethnic, religious, geographic, etc.) who call each other Brother. An example of that sentiment is exemplified in the joint celebration of the 20th anniversary of mutual fraternal recognition with the Brethren of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Illinois.

In Illinois Freemasonry, Brotherly Love is demonstrated by many acts of caring. We want every Brother to know that we care about him, meaning that we value and embrace his unique abilities, strengths and talents. Also, it means that we care about his welfare including the progress being made with his work / career, finances and personal health. Not done yet, we extend that same sentiment to the welfare of his family (i.e. wife, partner, significant other, widow and children). For example, the Illinois Masonic Outreach Services (IMOS) charitable program is living proof of how we care for our members and their families in our grand jurisdiction.

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A Masonic Reflexion about Civil Rights, Diversity and Equality.

Freemasons have historically fought against racism and inequality and traveled for "foreign countries" embracing every culture, every race and we still are the most diverse fraternity in the world with hundreds of thousands lodges spread all over. We are in every continent of the earth teaching our craft that we are all equals. Freemasons are well known for their tolerance, prudence and understanding.

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Masonic Membership Value Exchange - A Conversation Starter

Throughout the history of Freemasonry, the “wisdom of the ages” has been primarily passed along from mouth to ear. Whether from Intender (teacher) to Candidate (student) or Brother to Brother, the conversations held between these men forged our fraternal bonds and provided the foundation of our love and respect for one another. Regardless of our age, financial, ethnic, religious, etc. backgrounds, we promote a common purpose and mission as Freemasons - to represent and promote a quality life filled with honor, integrity, brotherly love, freedom, equality, tolerance, learning, and service to mankind.

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