New Master Masons Gifted ILOR Membership

In an unprecedented move by members of the Illinois Lodge of Research (ILOR), new Master Masons will receive one-year free membership.

“At our annual meeting, the membership voted to extend membership to the Illinois Lodge of Research to every new Master Mason in the State of Illinois for a whole year,” said Bro. Robert Johnson, webmaster for ILOR. “This was done as an investment in the future of Illinois Freemasonry and Education.”

Over the last couple of years, ILOR leadership and members have worked diligently on digitizing content, curating symposiums, and archiving content.

They have also developed a speakers' bureau where Lodges can find a presenter for lodge education.

Presentations available to watch right now are by Brethren Todd E. Creason, Greg Knott, Ben Wallace, Bull Garlington, Robert H. Johnson, Joe Malatia, Raymond Cunningham, Ainslie Heilich, and Mir Omar Ali.

ILOR members can preview speakers and presentations here.

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