This is How You Find a Masonic Lodge Near You

One of the most common Google searches regarding Freemasonry is "Masonic lodges near me." It might be why you've landed on this page. In this article, we'll give you precise instructions for finding a nearby Masonic lodge.

Finding a Masonic Lodge in Illinois is as easy as:

  1. Using the Lodge Locator tool offered by the Most Worshipful Grand Masonic Lodge of the State of Illinois.

  2. Entering your location

  3. Pressing return on your keyboard - you will now be shown lodges in your area!

How to Reach out to a Masonic lodge:

For visiting Masons

When you find a lodge to visit in the Lodge Locator, contact information will be shared in the search results!

  • Contact the lodge secretary and express your desire to attend a meeting. The secretary will vet your membership and coordinate with you to make sure your visit is successful.

If you don't have time, knock on the door, and prepare to identify yourself by:

  • Presenting your dues card

  • Agreeing to an interrogatory by the secretary or another officer

    • Be sure to have practiced your answers to an interrogatory

    • If you've performed your catechisms, this won't be an issue

For interested non-Masons

There's not much a Freemason loves more than talking about Freemasonry. If you’re interested in joining - stop by your local lodge where a member of our fraternity will gladly answer your questions.

You'll see Masonic Lodges marked with our classic Square & Compass symbol on the Lodge Locator's map results. If you click on one of them, it will send you to their official website to find their meeting times.

Lodge Meeting Logistics

Most lodges meet twice monthly for a Stated Meeting and a Special Meeting, almost always on the same day of the week, at the same time. Find a lodge that meets on a night when you're free, so when you knock on the door, a Mason will answer.

Masonic Lodges are happy to receive visitors who are genuinely interested in learning about the Craft. Most lodges in the United States serve a dinner before their meeting. You'll see their hours as (for instance) 6:30 pm refreshments, and 7:30 pm lodge meeting.

If you show up during dinner, Freemasons will offer you a plate and a place at their table and answer questions about Freemasonry.