In Illinois Freemasonry, we’re committed to membership retention, as well as attracting and developing good men who represent and promote a quality life filled with honor, integrity, brotherly love, freedom, equality, tolerance, learning, and service to mankind.
There is no official guidebook for making the most of your Masonic experience. That’s why we’ve prepared Membership Learning and Development materials to shed light on your journey through the Craft. Find tips on how to make new connections, enable continuous learning, make a difference in our communities, and much more.
Read our Blogs focused on Membership Development
Masonic Membership Visibility Day is an opportunity for Freemasons in Illinois to proudly display their affiliation with our ancient and honorable fraternity.
In a world of quick texts, of “likes,” of images that appear and disappear in an instant, it’s difficult to find the correct mindset to hold onto what is meaningful. In our fraternity, my biggest hope for the present and future is that we continue to look toward our values with reverence because they are what guide us and allow us to navigate this turbulent world with clarity.
The pride that we have for our fraternity and the love that we share with our Brothers are real. Words cannot really do justice to communicate the amazing feelings that we experience from partnering with our Brothers to positively change the world around us. That said, when you see an Illinois Freemason, know that he takes pride in propelling our Illinois Freemasonry Family and communities forward by simply performing one loving act after another.
With approximately 45,000 Brothers in Illinois which makes us the 4th largest (by membership size) Masonic jurisdiction in the United States, together we can accelerate the spreading of our great message and shine a positive light on Freemasonry. How can you help?
Brother Aaron Hollen shares a story about his friend Brother Cody Baumann for our Brothers in Action campaign.