Illinois Freemasonry

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The Meaning of the Letter “G” In Freemasonry

Freemasonry, one of the world's oldest and largest fraternal organizations, is built on the principles of brotherhood, moral uprightness, and the pursuit of knowledge. For centuries, the fraternity has united men from every walk of life through a shared desire to improve themselves and their communities. Through its philosophical and ethical system of degrees, which are veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols, Freemasonry teaches its members important lessons about Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth.

Among the many symbols used in Freemasonry, the letter "G" stands out as particularly significant. This iconic letter, which derives from the Hebrew letter Gimmel, is commonly seen with the square and compasses (perhaps the most widely recognized of all Masonic symbols) adorning Masonic lodges and aprons and is regularly depicted in artistic depictions of the Craft. Its meanings and interpretations within Freemasonry are multifaceted, representing Geometry and God, or the Great Architect.

Let’s unravel the use of the letter "G" and gain a glimpse into the teachings that serve as the foundation of the Masonic tradition.

Geometry in Freemasonry

The ancient Greek mathematician Euclid wrote a book called Elements, outlining the principles of geometry. This influential work, one of the most reproduced books in history, demonstrates how complex shapes can be constructed using just a pair of compasses and a straight edge. Euclidean geometry, the study of plane and solid figures based on axioms and theorems employed by Euclid forms the bedrock of operative stonemasonry. This connection is deeply significant in Freemasonry, where members symbolically represent stonemasons building the Temple of Solomon.  

Masonic apron depicting the letter “G”

In the rituals and teachings of Freemasonry, geometry is more than a mathematical discipline; it is seen as a divine science. The Constitutions of the Free-Masons (1723), a foundational text for English Freemasonry, celebrates the legendary history of the Craft with geometry at its core. The frontispiece of this text features the 47th Proposition of Euclid, also known as Pythagoras’ Theorem, which remains a symbol of great importance, often used as the badge of the Past Master of a lodge. The presence of a cut-out letter "G" hanging from lodge ceilings further emphasizes that geometry is central to the lodge and Masonic teachings.

The Grand Architect

The letter "G" also stands for the Great Architect of the Universe. While Freemasonry does not require the belief of any specific deity, believing in ‘a Supreme Being’ is central to membership. There is no Masonic deity, and the term ‘Great Architect of the Universe’ allows Masons to envision their own interpretation of the divine. By combining the letter G with the square and compasses, as so often happens, this symbolism highlights the belief that the principles of geometry reflect the divine order of creation and the intricate order and harmony seen in nature and the cosmos.

Depiction of George Washington as Master of his Lodge, c. 1870. The letter “G” hangs over the ceremony behind him.

In Masonic rituals and teachings, the letter "G" holds a place of profound importance. It is prominent in many lodge rooms, particularly in the United States, often placed near the roof or sky during the first and second degrees, symbolizing divine guidance and blessing. In the third degree, the letter "G" is hidden, representing the unwavering light of the divine even in the darkest of times. The Royal Arch degree unveils it once more, in a new form, underscoring its lasting significance.

This journey through the degrees reflects a Mason's path toward enlightenment, seeking to unify the divine wisdom of the Great Architect with their own moral and spiritual growth. The letter "G" thus becomes a symbol of the eternal quest for understanding and alignment with our creator and that our actions are performed in the presence of The Grand Architect. This allusion to the letter G’s meaning is confirmed during The Tracing Board lecture of the Fellowcraft Degree:

After our ancient brethren had gained the summit of the winding staircase, they passed into the middle chamber of the temple where their attention was directed to certain Hebrew characters which are depicted in a Fellow Craft Lodge by the letter G, denoting God, the Grand Geometrician of the Universe to whom we must all submit and whom we ought to humbly adore.

This depiction of a Masonic initiation shows a tracing board with the letter G in its center.

A Powerful Symbol

The letter "G" in Freemasonry encapsulates the essence of Masonic teachings. Representing both Geometry and God, it bridges the gap between the material and the spiritual, the scientific and the divine. By understanding the significance of the letter "G," Masons are reminded of the profound connection between the physical universe and the higher moral and spiritual truths that guide their lives. As such, the letter "G" stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of Freemasonry, uniting its members in a shared pursuit of knowledge, moral excellence, and spiritual enlightenment.