Illinois Freemasonry

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IMOS Makes a Difference

We’re your Brothers. You know that we’re going to be here for you.” - Worshipful Brother Ron Ehemann, Past Chairman, Board of Managers, Illinois Masonic Outreach Services (IMOS)

Asking for help can be difficult. Many of us are raised to believe we have to work for everything. Even if a tragedy has befallen us, we can feel ashamed to receive charity. But as Illinois Freemasons, we’ve taken an oath to help our brethren and their families in their time of need. For many in Illinois, we do that through the Illinois Masonic Outreach Services (IMOS), an Illinois Masonic Charity designed to provide aid to those in our Masonic community who need it most.

Whether you’ve been injured and can’t work, have suffered from a natural disaster, or you’re the wife of a Mason who has passed away, IMOS is here to lend a helping hand. Its staff are compassionate and well-trained to help others facing hardship. The information provided to IMOS is kept private and referenced appropriately by the staff to evaluate each case and facilitate the assistance approval process.

But don’t take our word for it: hear three inspiring stories from members of our community and discover how our fraternity is making a real difference in the lives of our members:

About IMOS:

Our mission is “to assist our members in fulfilling their Masonic Oath of coming to the aid of a Brother, their Spouse, a Widow, and orphans in times of necessity - bridging the gap between community resources and our Member needs by promoting access to the services and resources they may need to resolve personal challenges and improve their quality of life”.

The Illinois Masonic Outreach Services program strives to make personal, memorable connections with our applicants, hoping they feel comfortable continuing to come forward with any future needs. IMOS is known for its “caring” approach - we show true, genuine, and continual support. 

For more information, visit

Want to get involved with IMOS? Check out the Volunteerism Packet

The Illinois Masonic Outreach Services (IMOS) Program is an Illinois Masonic Charity and affiliated with the Grand Lodge of Illinois A. F. & A. M.
